The following solutions were created for a TCU graduate program to track required hours documenting their student experience in practicum and clinical experiences, conferences, project development, etc. These solutions could easily be applied to other programs or projects within a course where multiple submissions are required to earn points towards a course or program requirement.
Discussion is set up using single-user groups with each topic assessed separately, so only the instructor sees each student’s responses and all responses are grouped together (when instructor has filtered by user). Student workflow requires the student to start a thread, attach their form, and then post a general comment indicating the quantity of hours being submitted. Scores are automatically aggregated in the gradebook as the instructor scores each thread (student submission).
This option uses individual assignment folders where all students submit to the same folder. This means that the course would have one assignment submission folder called “Hours Tracking”, for example, and all students would submit all work to this folder. TCU Online will group submissions by user and display the date/time submitted.
Student workflow requires the student to select the assignment submission folder, attach the form, and add a general comment indicating the quantity of hours being submitted.
Scores will be displayed in the gradebook in one column. The column will be worth 1,000 points. Students and the instructor can see progress by consulting the gradebook. Students can see feedback files by going to the assignment submission folder and clicking feedback. The running total score and any text feedback are listed on the Grades page visible to each student and in Class progress.