Logging In and Logging Out of TCU Online

The TCU Online platform requires that TCU users log in with their TCU Single Sign-on credentials (the same credentials you use for TCU email and My.TCU).

The Login page for TCU Online for users with TCU credentials is located at http://d2l.tcu.edu and has three form elements: TCU Username, TCU Password, and Sign in button. The TCU Username field has focus when you enter the page. The TCU Password field and Sign In button are the next tab options.

There is one additional option displayed as a link. The Need help signing in? link opens a new window where you can request a password reset link to be sent to the email address associated with your username.

Student access to courses begins at 12:01 AM on the first day of the semester. This means students will not see or be able to access semester courses in the My Courses list until that time.

Option 1: D2L.TCU.EDU (all TCU users)

  1. Go to http://D2L.TCU.EDU
  2. Enter your TCU network credentials (the same you use for TCU email and My.TCU)
  3. Select your course from the My Courses area of the Homepage

OPTION 2: MY.TCU.EDU (all TCU users)

  1. Go to MY.TCU.EDU and enter your TCU network credentials
  2. Click the TCU Online link
  3. Select your course from the My Courses area of the Homepage


  1. Go to http://tcu.brightspace.com
  2. Enter your TCU network credentials (the same you use for TCU email and My.TCU)
  3. Select your course from the My Courses area of the Homepage

Login/Password Issues?

Contact TCU’s IT Support HelpDesk for assistance with TCU usernames and passwords. Start with going to the Password Self Service page to unlock your account and reset your password. If you still need help, reach out in the following ways:

Logging out

The Logout link is available in your personal menu on the minibar at the top of all pages. The personal menu opens when you click on your name on the minibar. You can access your personal menu using an assistive technology’s links list, or by tabbing through the minibar links at the top of the page.

System time-outs

The system may log you out if you are inactive for 45 minutes. A JavaScript warning will provide an option to remain logged in before your time expires.

IT Information Policies

Here is some additional information from IT about policies regarding information security, computer usage, and student code of conduct. Please review.