Evaluate an Assignment Submission with a Rubric
The instructions below can be followed for evaluating either individual or group assignment submissions with a rubric. When evaluating group assignments, all members of the group will see the same score and have access to the rubric feedback. The scores of individual group members can be adjusted as needed to account for individual contributions.
For more basic instructions for evaluating student assignments, see Evaluate Submissions and Add Feedback in the Assignments Tool.
- On the nav bar, click the Activities menu, then select Assignments.

- On the Assignment Submission Folders page, from the context menu of the folder you want to evaluate, click View Submissions.Note: The Assignment Folders page provides a summary of the Total Files, Unread Files, Flagged Files, and Due Date for each assignment folder. Click on a folder to navigate to its Folder Submissions page and view submitted files.

- On the Submissions page, Click the Evaluate link for a student’s submission.

- Select the rubric you want to evaluate to display it inline, or click the pop out icon to view the rubric in a separate window. If multiple rubrics are attached, each will be listed on the right side of the screen.

- Select the box for the level the student achieved for each criterion on your rubric. As you select levels for each criterion, the rubric will automatically save as draft and update the point total. Note: As you hover your mouse over each level, the description and level title will display to aid in the evaluation.

- Optional: Instructors can click the points to modify score values. The points will display with an editable score field.

- Optional: Add feedback for a criterion
- Click the Add Feedback link to enter qualitative feedback for a particular criterion.

- Type feedback in the Criterion Feedback field, then hit enter/return on your keyboard. The feedback is automatically saved. Students will see rubric feedback when they view the graded rubric.

- The Overall Score will automatically calculate based on the scores of the levels for each criterion. The Total score is the sum of all of the criteria points earned.
- In the Evaluation panel of the Evaluate Submission page, the score for the assignment will update with the rubric score

- Click Close. All scores and feedback are auto-saved. Students will see the score, completed rubric, and feedback in the submission folder.
- The checked rubric icon displays when a rubric has been fully scored by the instructor. The unchecked rubric icon displays when a rubric is unscored, or partially scored to provide instructors with more visual information about the status of the rubric. Students will not be able to see feedback until the rubric is fully scored and published.

A rubric that has not been scored has a note below the rubric title that says “Not Scored.”

A partially scored points-based rubric tile will indicate the number of criteria not scored.

Scored Rubric Icon with check mark over the rubric icon
- If your submission folder is linked to a grade item, click Publish to send the score to Grades. If you wish to grade more assignments before publishing grades, click Save as Draft and return later to publish all grades at once.
Note: If a rubric is only partially scored, and Publish or Save as Draft is selected, a confirmation message will display prompting instructors to either continue grading, or publish anyway.