Video or Audio Topic View Options: Captions, Speed, and Search

Video or Audio is sometimes added into TCU Online within modules in the Content tool. Upon selecting them, the video or audio will display within the browser window. This guide will explain some of the options for using closed captions, changing the playback speed, searching the caption content, locating content with chapters (where applicable) and expanding the window.

Closed Captions

Enable Closed Captions on a Video

  1. Click Settings (gear icon) in the bottom right corner of the video.
    Settings on video player
  2.  Select Captions from the menu. The current status will display (default is off).
    Captions from settings menu
  3. Select the language option to turn on the closed captions. US English will display as en-US (CC).
    Captions language selection
  4. Click Play on the video player. The captions will display as an overlay on the video.

Enable Closed Captions on Audio

  1. Click Settings (gear icon) in the bottom right corner of the audio.
    Settings on audio player
  2. Select Captions from the menu. The current status will display (default is off).
    Captions from settings menu audio
  3. Select the language option to turn on the closed captions. US English will display as en-US (CC).
    Captions language selection audio
  4. Click Play on the audio player. The captions will display as an overlay on the video.

Adjust Playback Speed

Adjust Playback Speed on a Video

If playback speed is adjusted for a video or audio file in content, the playback speed will apply for future audio and video within the course.

  1. Click Settings (gear icon) in the bottom right corner of the video.
    Settings on video player
  2. Select Playback speed from the settings menu. By default the speed is 1.0
    Playback speed from video settings
  3. Select your preferred playback speed:
    Playback speed options for video

    • To slow down the speed of the video select either .75, .5, or .25.
    • To speed up the video select either 1.25, 15, or 2.0.
  4. Click Play on the video. The video will play at the speed selected in step 3.

Adjust Playback Speed on Audio

If playback speed is adjusted for a video or audio file in content, the playback speed will apply for future audio and video within the course.

  1. Click Settings (gear icon) in the bottom right corner of the audio.
    Settings on audio player
  2. Select Playback speed from the settings menu. By default the speed is 1.0. If you adjusted the playback speed for a video or audio previously, that setting will be applied automatically, but can be adjusted.
    Audio Playback speed from settings
  3. Select your preferred playback speed:
    Audio playback speed options

    • To slow down the speed of the audio select either .75, .5, or .25.
    • To speed up the audio select either 1.25, 15, or 2.0.
  4. Click Play on the audio. The audio will play at the speed selected in step 3.

Search by Keyword

Search Keywords in a Video

The search functionality allows users to locate key words in video captions and quickly navigate to those sections.

Important: A caption track must be present for the video and the user must have captions turned on to use the search option. If you have not yet enabled captions, follow the steps in the Closed Captions section above. The search icon & field will NOT display if captions are off.

  1. The Search icon (magnifying glass) will display on the bottom right corner of the video player, next to Settings. When you move your mouse over the search icon, the Search field will display.
    Search on Video player
  2. Click in the Search field and type a keyword, then hit enter/return on your keyboard.
    search field on video player
  3. A small star will display on the timeline each time the keyword is mentioned.
    Star on timeline for video
  4. Click your mouse on the timeline at that point and click play.
    video player playing at search spot on timeline
  5. The video will begin at the place on the timeline that corresponds with your keyword search.


Search Keywords in a Audio

The search functionality allows users to locate key words in video captions and quickly navigate to those sections.

Important: A caption track must be present for the video and the user must have captions turned on to use the search option. If you have not yet enabled captions, follow the steps in the Closed Captions section above. The search icon & field will NOT display if captions are off.

  1. The Search icon (magnifying glass) will display on the bottom right corner of the audio player, next to Settings. When you move your mouse over the search icon, the Search field will display.
    Search on Audio player
  2. Click in the Search field and type a keyword, then hit enter/return on your keyboard.
    search field on audio player
  3. A small star will display on the timeline each time the keyword is mentionedStar on timeline for audio
  4. Click your mouse on the timeline at that point and click play.
    Audio player playing at search spot on timeline
  5. The audio will begin at the place on the timeline that corresponds with your keyword search.

Use Video Chapters

Select a Chapter to Skip to Video Content

Some videos segment in larger videos with chapters. Chapters appear above the time code when a user mouses over the timeline.

  1. Chapters appear on the timeline as a bookmark icon and a chapter title and thumbnail will display above the time code when a user mouses over the timeline.
    Chapters on timeline
  2. Click on a bookmark icon on the timeline to start the video on the selected chapter.
    Bookmark chapters on timeline
  3. Click Play to start the video at that chapter.