Take a Quiz

Use the Quizzes tool to:

  • Take quizzes.
  • Review your quiz results.
  • See class statistics for a quiz (If this information has been shared by your instructor).

Not all quizzes contribute to your overall grade in the course.  Sometimes your instructor may have quizzes that are just for you to use to review.  Sometimes there are practices quizzes or self-assessments before an actual quiz.

Watch how to take a quiz

  1. On the navbar, click Activities, then select Quizzes.
  2. On the Quiz List page, click on the quiz you want to take.
  3. Read the instructions and details for the quiz, and when you’re ready, click Start Quiz!.
  4. Answer each question. As you complete the question, the answer will automatically save. You can see which questions have saved answers in the Questions section of the quiz’s left panel. You can also click the question number in the quiz’s left panel to go back to the question.
  5. To navigate between pages, click Next Page or Previous Page.
  6. Click Go to Submit Quiz after you answer all quiz questions.
  7. If you are not ready to submit the quiz, click the question number in the quiz’s left panel to go back to the question or if you are ready to submit the quiz, click Submit Quiz.

Note: Your instructor may require you to use the Respondus LockDown Browser® to take quizzes. You can click the Respondus LockDown Browser link in the Quiz Requirements section to download and install it for free. You can then launch your quiz. If you have installed the Respondus LockDown Browser already, the Start Quiz page will open automatically within it.

Key to Success – Online Testing Strategies

While most of the strategies that you may already know and use for in-person testing will work for online testing, the addition of technology sometimes presents you with additional challenges. The strategies listed below will help you be more successful in the Brightspace testing environment.

Before the Quiz

  • Your instructor will let you know when you can access the quiz. This notification may come early in the form of an event on the calendar or a printed schedule. By default, all dates/times are in the Central time zone. If you have changed your timezone in your Account Settings, take note of any quiz times. The notification that a new quiz is available may also be delivered through via a News item on the Course Home page or by email.
  • Don’t enter the quiz site before you are ready, as many quizzes are set to only allow you to access the quiz ONCE.
  • Before you take the quiz, review the objectives for the module or the materials for the modules that are covered by the quiz. Make sure that you have mastered as many of them as you can before your assessment. Read any study guides your instructor has provided, and re-read your notes and documents as necessary.
  • In TCU Online, quizzes can include many types of questions including: multiple choice, true/false, matching, ordering, short answer, essay questions and more.

During the Quiz

  • If you are taking the quiz at home, find a time and a place to take the quiz in which you will be free of interruptions. Let friends and family know you will be taking an exam and that you should not be interrupted.
  • If you are taking the quiz in a lab on campus, make sure you have time to complete the quiz before closing time.
  • Do NOT launch the quiz until you are ready to take it. If you begin a quiz, are not prepared, and are allowed only one attempt, you may receive a failing grade.
  • When you first access the quiz, note the “Quiz Specifics” which tell you the time period in which the quiz can be taken, the time allowed, and the number of attempts or times you can take the quiz.
  • Read the directions carefully.  TCU Online will alert you to the quiz settings that the teaching staff have chosen – such as whether or not you can backtrack to a question that you have already answered or not.
  • If backtracking is allowed, then here are some suggestions that might help:
    • Quickly read through ALL the questions before starting to answer.
    • Spend more time on questions that are worth more points.
    • If you are uncertain about some answers, complete the easy questions or the questions you feel most sure of first.
    • Sometimes, this process means that you get hints about other answers from previous questions.
    • Save the more difficult questions for later in the quiz, if possible.
  • Save each answer as you complete it.  That way if it is a timed quiz and you run out of time, those answers were already saved.
  • If there is time, read over your quiz once more before submitting. Make sure that you haven’t accidentally changed your response to a question or made typographic mistakes. When you are satisfied with the result (or have done the best you can) make sure you remember to finish by clicking the “Submit Quiz” button.
  • Many online quizzes will be “open book,” but if your instructor does not explicitly tell you that you can use other materials when taking the quiz, then they are off limits. If you have questions about this, then ask via email in advance.
  • Don’t cheat. Remember that taking shortcuts in education really deprives you of the education for which you are paying. If that isn’t enough to stop you, consider that there are many subtle ways that you might be caught. All of the honor codes of your institution apply, and that may lead to consequences like failed courses and even expulsion.
  • If something goes wrong in the middle of your quiz, send an email to your instructor immediately documenting the exact problem and asking how you should proceed.  Don’t close the window of the quiz for any reason.

After the Quiz

  • After you submit your quiz answers, you may receive a score for all the items that the software could grade automatically.  However, essay questions and most short answer questions will have to be graded manually later by the instructor.
  • How much information you can see immediately about how you did on the quiz will be determined by the instructor.  You may receive feedback on your answers to the quiz immediately or you may have access to this at a later time.
  • If your instructor does allow you to see details of how you did on the quiz, this will appear on the Quiz List.  Click Submissions from the dropdown menu by the name of the quiz. You may see information on which questions your got correct, which ones you missed and other feedback. Pay attention to this feedback, and use it as a way to learn the answers to the questions you missed.  It may help you to prepare for the next exam also.
  • To check your grades, select “Grades” on the navigation bar. You’ll see only your own grades.
  • Your instructor will probably take varying amounts of time to post grades to the site.  You will probably receive a notification when the grades are available.
  • If you found errors in the quiz, send your instructor a message immediately. Let him or her know if some questions were unclear. This will allow your instructor to adjust your grade if needed or fix the Quiz for other students.