Set a Module or Content Topic’s Visibility Status

    1. On the navbar, click Content.
      Content on Nav Bar
    2. For Content Modules:
      1. Click on the Module Title you want to hide or publish.
      2. To set in Draft mode, use the context menu and select Hide from Users.
        hide from users
      3. To set in Published mode, use the context menu and select Make Visible to Users.
        make visible to users
      4. To set in Draft mode, click on the Eye Icon, and toggle the switch to Hidden.
      5. To set in Published mode, click on the Crossed-Out Eye Icon, and toggle the switch to Visible.
        set visibility
    3. For Content Items
      1. Click on the Content Item you want to hide or publish.
        content topic
      2. To set in Draft mode, use the context menu and select Hide from Users.
        hide from users
      3. To set in Published mode, use the context menu and select Make Visible to Users.
        make visible to users
      4. To set in Draft mode, scroll down to Activity Details, and toggle the switch to Hidden.
        set visibility
      5. To set in Published mode, scroll down to Activity Details, and toggle the switch to Visible.
        set visibility