Schedule a Meeting with Zoom in TCU Online

To schedule a Zoom meeting in TCU Online, complete the following steps from within the TCU Online Zoom integration.

  1. On the nav bar, click the People menu, then select Zoom.
    Zoom on Nav Bar
  2. Click on the Schedule a New Meeting button.
    schedule a new meeting
  3. Enter a name for the meeting in the Topic box.
    meeting topic
  4. Enter a description for the meeting in the description box, if desired.
    meeting description
  5. Enter the date and starting time in the When boxes.
    zoom date and time
  6. Using the drop-downs select the duration for the meeting.
    duration of zoom
  7. Adjust the time zone if needed.
    zoom meeting time zone
  8. Check the box if your meeting will be a recurring meeting.
    zoom recurring meeting

    • Enter Recurrencedaily, weekly, monthly, and no fixed time.
      recurrence of zoom
    • Select number of repeating occurrences.
      zoom recurrence repeat
    • Select an End Date or to End After a certain number of occurrences.
      end date of zoom
  9. Check the box if you wish to require Registration.
    registration required
  10. Video: Select your preference of video on or off for Host and Participants. Selecting On will automatically turn on the video upon launching Zoom for your meeting(s).
    video options for host and participant
  11. Select how participants will receive audio: Telephone, Computer Audio, or Both (recommended).
    audio settings
  12. Check the box for additional Meeting Options:  Require meeting password, Enable join before host, Mute participants upon entry, Use Personal Meeting ID, and Enable waiting room.
    meeting options in zoom
  13. Enter email addresses for Alternative Hosts as necessary. This is another user (example: your co-instructor) who can launch the meeting.
    alternative hosts
  14. Click on the Save button.

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