About the Equation Editor

The Graphical Equation Editor is a JavaScript-based application within the HTML Editor tool that enables users to add graphical, chemistry, MathML, and LaTeX equations to their content. The editor provides the necessary elements to construct equations quickly and easily. Each button in the editor toolbar opens a palette of related mathematical symbols. You can insert equations by typing them into the HTML Editor. When equations are inserted into the HTML Editor, you can see the equations inline while editing your work.

Watch how to make use of the Equation Editor

Before using the editor:

  • Ensure that you have installed the latest version of your internet browser and that you enable Javascript
  • Disable any software or browser settings that block pop-up windows

MathML equation

MathML is a standard adopted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It uses XML to describe mathematical notation by capturing both its structure and content. This enables MathML to support visual display and assistive technology access.

As a standard, Brightspace Learning Environment stores and displays all equations in the MathML format, regardless of the format you use to enter equations. Brightspace Learning Environment uses the MathJax JavaScript engine to display MathML equations.

Go to http://www.mathjax.org to learn more about MathJax features.

Note: The MathML encoder requires users to know how to use XML.

LaTeX equation

LaTeX is a typesetting system based on TeX. It provides a text syntax for complex mathematical formulae. Brightspace Learning Environment stores equations entered in LaTeX format as MathML to ensure consistency and accessibility.

Chemistry equation

The Chemistry equation option offers specialized chemistry symbols for inorganic chemistry formulas.

Graphical equation

The Graphical equation option offers 10 tabs of symbols, arrows, Greek letters and numbers, matrices, scripts and layouts, decorations, big operators, calculus, and context for creating math equations.

Tabs in the Graphical Equation Editor

General Tab IconGeneral tabAdd a template for building equations.

Add and edit text in the equation using the Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Color, and other text editing function
Symbols Tab iconSymbols tabAdd mathematical symbols to equations
Arrows Tab IconArrows tabUpdate or add arrows to equations
Greek Letters Tab IconGreek and letters tabUpdate or add uppercase and lowercase Greek characters to equations
Matrices Tab IconMatrices tabUpdate or add matrices to equations
Scripts and Layouts TabScripts and layout tabAdd scripts or layouts to build equations
Decorations TabDecorations tabAdd fences such as brackets and vertical bars around text fields
Big Operators TabBig operators tabUpdate or add big operators to equations
Calculus TabCalculus tabAdd a template for building Calculus equations

Learn about using the equation editor: