Export grades

It is recommended that you set up your grade book in TCU Online even if you want to enter grades in a CSV or TXT file. You can then use the Export Grades option to create an appropriately structured CSV or TXT file.

Watch how to export grades

  1. On the nav bar, select the Assessment menu, then click Grades.
    Grades on Nav Bar
  2. Navigate to the Enter Grades tab.
    Enter Grades
  3. Click on the Export button.
    Export Grades
  4. In the Export Options area, do the following:
    1. From the Export Grade Items For drop-down list, select who you want to export grade items for All Users, Groups, or Sections.
      Export Grade Items For
    2. Select the Key Field you want to use to identify users, Org Defined ID, Username, or Both. Note: If you plan on importing grades using the export file you will need the Org Defined ID to import.
      Key Field
    3. Select the Grade Values you want, Points Grade, Weighted Grade*, and/or Grade Scheme. *The Weighted Grade option will only be available if your gradebook is set up as a weighted grading system.
      Grade Values
    4. Select the User Details you want to export: Last Name, First Name, Email, Section Membership*, and/or Group Membership*. *These options will only be available if you have groups and/or sections set up in your course.
      Grade Export User Details
  5. In the Choose Grades to Export area, select the grade items you want to export.
    Choose Grades To Export
  6. Click Export to CSV or Export to Excel.
    Export to CSV or Export to Excel
  7. A pop-up window appears as the file is generated. Click on the Download button one the file is ready.
    Download Grade Export

Note: If a student is enrolled in multiple groups within a Group Category, or multiple sections within a course, those enrollments are exported as a comma-separated list within a cell.