Delete an Assignment Submission
Use these steps to delete a student’s assignment submission. This will allow the student to re-submit the assignment as long as the End Date has not passed.
- On the nav bar, select the Activities menu, then click Assignments.
- On the Assignments page, from the context menu of the folder you want to evaluate, click View Submissions.
- On the View Submissions page, scroll down and identify the student and their submission.
- Do one of the following:
- Check the box next to the student’s name and then click the Delete link located above the table of student names. This option can be used to delete submissions for multiple students.
- Click the trash can icon located in the far right column on the student’s submission row.
- A confirmation message will display asking you to confirm your decision. Click the Yes button.
If a submission was erroneously deleted, follow steps to Restore a Deleted Submission.