Set Up a Quiz Report
Quiz reports gather information on quiz data. Quiz reports are different from quiz Statistics; they collect and present more types of information. Choose a report type to display question statistics, question details, student statistics, attempt details, or student attempts. You can also select a release date and choose which roles have permission to view each report.
- On the navbar, click the Activities menu, then select Quizzes.
- On the Manage Quizzes page, from the context menu of the quiz, click Setup Reports.
- Click Add Report.
- Enter a Report Name.
- Select your Report Type. Using the check boxes provided, customize your report’s output.
- Question Statistics – The average score on questions by points and percentage. You can choose to include or exclude the class average, score distribution, bonus questions, the Out Of value, standard deviation, point biserial, and discrimination index.
- Question Details – All of the answers provided for each quiz attempt, how many users chose each possible answer, the total number of responses, and the average score on each question. You can choose to include or exclude the level of difficulty, text responses, bonus questions, private comments added to the report, standard deviation, point biserial, and discrimination index.
- User Statistics – The class average and standard deviation, score distribution, and the grade of each user. You can choose to include or exclude the class average, score distribution, and Org Defined ID (TCU ID Number).
- Attempt Details – The Org Defined ID (TCU ID Number), username, first name, and last name of each user. Detailed information about each question. The users’ responses for each question organized by attempt, including how long each attempt took. You can choose to include or exclude the Org Defined ID (TCU ID Number) and attempt duration.
- User Attempts – The Org Defined ID (TCU ID Number), username, first name, and last name of each user. The users’ scores for each question in points and percentage organized by attempt, including how long each attempt took. You can choose to include or exclude the Org Defined ID (TCU ID Number)and attempt duration.
- Select when you want to release the report. Choose either Immediately or specify a date/time.
- Select which roles you want to release the report to.
- Click Save.