Automatically Customize Course Content Using Replace Strings

A replacement string allows instructors to customize course content and communications in TCU online by incorporating the intended student’s personalized information, such as their name, automatically. This feature can help instructors build better relationships with students, increase engagement levels, and improve the overall learning experience.

Replace strings, sometimes referred to as display configuration variables, are configuration variable names enclosed in curly braces {} that are automatically replaced by the corresponding configuration variable values. For example, if you enter the text {OrgUnitName} into a document, when you view the document you will see the course’s title.

Replace strings are particularly useful within the following:

  • Announcements
  • Content
  • Course Homepage Widgets
  • Grades when adding bulk feedback
  • Intelligent Agents

Replacement Strings Examples

Watch: Use Replacement Strings for Personalization

Welcome announcement would be typed as:

Hello, {FirstName}!

Welcome to {OrgUnitName}.  I’m excited to get to know all of you and dive into the content together.  To get started, please select the “Content” link above, and open up the first module, on the left-hand side.

See you in class!

Dr. Jones

Welcome announcement would display to student as:

Hello, Sarah!

Welcome to Intro to Biology 080 (Jones).  I’m excited to get to know all of you and dive into the content together.  To get started, please select the “Content” link above, and open up the first module, on the left-hand side.

See you in class!

Dr. Jones


Available Replace Strings for Course Content within the HTML Editor

Replace strings are particularly useful within Content, Announcements, Grades when adding bulk feedback, and Course Homepage Widgets. Replace strings are used in all tools that use HTML Editor. However, evaluation rules for the replace strings vary with the tool as follows:

  • For the Content tool, curly braces are stripped even if the string is not a valid configuration variable or a replace string that does not apply to the Content tool. Then, replace strings are evaluated only once when first entered. Thereafter, there is no record of a replacement string having been entered. For example, if you enter {OrgUnitName} into a Content topic in course ‘A’ and later copy that topic into course ‘B’, the course title for course ‘A’ will display in the topic in course ‘B’.
  • For all other tools, any curly braces are NOT stripped if the string is not a valid configuration variable or a replace string that does not apply to the tool. Then the replace string is evaluated each time the document containing the replace string is viewed. For example, if you enter {OrgUnitName} into a Discussion topic in course ‘A’ and later copy that topic into course ‘B’, the course title for course ‘B’ will display in the post in course ‘B’.

Organization Replace Strings

  • {OrgName} will display Texas Christian University
  • {OrgUnitName} will display the course title
  • {OrgUnitCode} will display the course code, such as 2021FallREG ENGL10803 001

User Replace Strings

These replace strings are not available within the Content tool

  • {UserName} will display a user’s Full Name
  • {OrgDefinedId} will display a user’s TCU ID number
  • {FirstName} will display a user’s First Name
  • {LastName} will display a user’s Last Name
  • {ExternalEmail} will display a user’s Email Address

Available Replace Strings for Intelligent Agents

Replace String


For Use In


The user who performs the action that meets the agent’s criteria

Email address field


The auditors for the user who performs the action that meets the agent’s criteria

Email address field


The name of the organization

Email body


The code for the Org Unit

Email body


The name of the Org Unit

Email body


The start date specified for the Org Unit

Email body


The end date specified for the Org Unit

Email body


The org unit ID required to make quicklinks works

Email subject line and email body


The first name of the initiating user

Email body


The last name of the initiating user

Email body


The username of the initiating user

Email body


The Org Defined ID of the initiating user

Email body


The date the initiating user last accessed the course

Email subject line and email body


The date the initiating user last logged in

Email subject line and email body


The address of the login path for the site

Email body