Add Special Access to a Survey

Special access permissions allow instructors to set alternative access dates for individual students. You can also use special access permissions to make the survey available to a subset of students if desired.

  1. On the navbar, click the Activities menu, then select Surveys.
    Surveys on the Nav Bar
  2. On the Manage Surveys page, click the survey name.
    Manage surveys select survey
  3. Click on the Restrictions tab.
    Survey Restrictions Tab
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. In the Special Access area, select your Type of Access.
    • To set special access for selected students, choose Allow selected users special access to this survey.
    • To restrict the survey only to students with special access, choose Allow only users with special access to see this survey.
      Survey Special Access
  5. Click Add Users to Special Access.
  6. If the students with special access have different Start and End Dates and Times, update the information.
    Survey Dates
  7. Search for students and select the check boxes beside the names of students you want to assign special access to.
    Select Students for Survey Special Access
  8. Click Add Special Access.
    Add Special Access button
  9. Click Save and Close.